Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, September 11, 2009

One Big Happy Check-Up

As the birthdays fell, I was lucky enough to be able to take both kids to their check-ups at the same time. This was good because it was convenient, but not so good because it required me to keep both kids happy for a lot longer time. And for my efforts, I was rewarded with taking home two kids who were not so happy with me for allowing them to be stuck with a needle.

Jacob had his 3-year visit, which is much more involved than his previous ones. In addition to height and weight, they took his blood pressure, checked his knee reflexes, and attempted to give him a vision exam. I say attempted, because he didn't really want to participate. He liked the first part, which involved him finding letters on a card that matched the poster on the wall. The second part required covering one eye, which he did not like at all. We tried a few things to get him to go along with it, but I sensed some tears brewing, so we stopped. Bottom line: he can see. Whether that is with one or both eyes, we'll find out next year. :) The doctor knowingly made a big deal about Jacob being (mostly) potty trained. For those who haven't heard the news, Jacob has enough of a grasp on things to wear underwear all the time, with the exception of sleeping. This development came about right after his birthday festivities wrapped up. I guess he decided being 3 is a big deal!

When I was filling out the "skill" sheet, it became very obvious to me that Jacob has made great strides with his verbal skills in the past year. We already knew that, since we live with him, but seeing it on paper really emphasizes it. He was slightly below his age level last year in verbal, and now he is slightly above. I attribute that in part to his renewed love of books. He can't get enough, especially since he's discovered that we can get a million books about trucks at the library.

For those who like the stats, Jacob weighs 34 lbs. (75th %ile) and is 38.5 in. tall (also 75 %ile). He's very proportionate! He was also the lucky recipient of the flu shot. I figured I might as well have him get it while we were there instead of going back later this fall. For his pain and suffering, he got to pick a sticker, and we found one with Lightning on it (watch Cars if you don't know who I'm talking about).

As for Mariella, she's staying consistent and doing great! She can sit up and scoot around anywhere. She's really working on this hands and knees thing, and enjoys rocking. You can see the wheels turning in her head, trying to figure out what to do while she's up there. For now, she's very happy to crawl on her belly. You can surround her with her own toys, but she'll crawl right over them to get to something of Jacob's--or anything made of paper or cardboard that she's not allowed to have. She also likes books, but not for the same reason that Jacob does! It's funny, she'll eat paper but is not terribly interested in baby food. I have to believe the baby food is at least a little better in flavor, but I guess she doesn't agree. She does like sweet potatoes, but the other ones we've tried--rice cereal and pears--not so much.

Her top front teeth are inching ever closer to making their appearance. Between those teeth and learning to crawl, it's amazing that she's sleeping as well as she is. She's struggling a little with naps, but her night sleep is...acceptable. Generally she is still waking for 2 feedings during the night, and I suspect part of that is because she sometimes goes longer during the day when we're out and about. Maybe that will change this winter, when we'll likely be home more.

Here are Mariella's measurements: 17 lbs. 12 oz. (80 %ile) and 27.25 in. long (95 %ile). Her head is a measly 25 %ile, which is fine, but I think it's interesting because she looks "normal" instead of having that very large head that many kids have. I think Jacob's head was always on the small side too. And finally, Mariella got the same 3 shots that she's had at each visit, along with a flu shot. I felt really bad making her get so many at once, but at least it was only one new one. She has to go back in a month for a booster.

So that's it! One busy morning.

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